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Dear Parents, Students and Friends
In Christian communities around the world, Advent refers to a four-week season of remembering and celebrating the arrival of Jesus on Earth. Each candle represents a theme for each week of Advent – hope, peace, joy, and love. The Advent Season is all about reflecting on how we can prepare our hearts and homes for this special time.
As 2024 draws to a close, it is with gratitude that I reflect on the year that’s been. This is our final newsletter for the academic year, which in itself is hard to believe. The weeks turn into months and here we are at the end of another year. At our college assembly on Tuesday, the theme of gratitude was very much front and centre. It was heartwarming to hear from our college leaders who have stepped into their new leadership roles so capably. They expressed their appreciation for the numerous opportunities afforded to them this year and shared the highlights from sporting events to retreats, overnight excursions to performances, and field trips to guest speakers. We have much to be proud of as a college. I congratulate each and every one of our students for their contributions and efforts to improve as learners.
As we approach our final day of Term 4 on 18 December, we are mindful that our Year 12 students are also waiting in anticipation of the release of their HSC ATAR results on this date. Year 12 are warmly invited to a morning tea at the college on 18 December at 11.40am in the Senior Courtyard. We look forward to hearing about their success!
ACARA MySchools
The ACARA MySchools 2024 website has released school performance results. I am pleased to report that our Year 7 and Year 9 NAPLAN results are comparable to students with a similar background, with Year 9 Writing results being above average. Well done, Year 7 and Year 9!
Final Day of Term 4 Activities
We are changing things up this year with a selection of activities for our final day of Term 4. This year, students can choose from a range of activities across the day. We hope this offers something for everyone to enjoy so engagement levels are high. We are looking forward to student feedback!
Year 10 Summer Soiree
Last night, Year 10 students enjoyed the opportunity to celebrate together at their Summer Soiree at Moruya Golf Club. Year 10 were so excited to get dressed up and they looked stunning! I hope they thoroughly enjoyed this event.
School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT's)
Congratulations to Tarlaya Te-Kowhai (Year 10) and Mia Lasscock (Year 10) who have been successful in obtaining School Based Traineeships with the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ).
Tarlaya will complete her on the job employment one day per week at the Batemans Bay Court House and Mia will complete her on the job employment at Community Services in Batemans Bay. We are fortunate that Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn (CECG) is able to be the Registered Training Organisation for these SBAT's and the girls will complete all training in their Business Services class.
Thank you to Elise Paull who supported the girls with their applications. A fantastic outcome! Congratulations Tarlaya and Mia.
Trainee Appointment
Next year we will welcome Tiffany Johnston to the college as our new Sport Trainee for 2025.
Tiffany’s sporting record is impressive. She will be a fabulous addition to our team. I congratulate her on her successful selection following a recruitment process. Tiffany’s profile follows.
Versatile and adaptable with significant experience playing, coaching and officiating a variety of individual and team sports at local, state and national levels as well as pre-elite athlete programs both within school and external pathways. Excellent leadership and organisational skills with the demonstrated ability to work autonomously as required as well as an integral part of a team to complete set tasks efficiently and effectively. Deeply passionate about all things sport and intrinsically motivated to achieve success.
Best wishes
I take this opportunity to thank our 2024 Trainees, Claudia Hannan and Malaki Moreton. Also, to Jade Delaney, Classroom Support Assistant who will also be moving on to tertiary studies next year. On behalf of the college community, I wish them well for their future career paths.
Additionally, I wish Mr and Mrs Ashby all the very best as they head to the Northern Territory to teach for twelve months. I thank Mrs Karen Ashby for her leadership as Mathematics Coordinator over the past two years and hope her experience next year is a thoroughly rewarding one. The Ashbys will be returning for the 2026 academic year.
Pupil Free Day Advance Notice
Please be advised that a Staff Spirituality Day is being planned for Friday 28 February, Term 1 2025 (Week 4). Our facilitator is Fr Rob Galea. This is his only available date as he is working with our Canberra Colleges throughout this particular week before coming to Carroll. This will mean that the end of term Pupil Free Day on Friday 11 April will move to 28 February. School will be operating as normal for students on the last day of Term 1.
U15's Girls and Boys Rugby 7's Development Tour of New Zealand
Congratulations to our very own talented rugby player, Vivienne James (Year 9) who played a significant role in her team's success on her recent tour of New Zealand. Vivienne (pictured left) represented our school, her club, region and country with distinction. Congratulations, Vivienne!
School Attendance
A reminder to all students that the remaining eight school days are compulsory. Our final day of Term 4 is Wednesday 18 December 2024. I would love to see every one of you, every day in the lead up to our Christmas break.
Staffing 2025
Full details of our 2025 Carroll College team will be emailed to families before the end of the term, along with a reminder of Term 1 start dates.
As we acknowledge the many blessings of 2024, I thank all families for their ongoing support. It continues to be my absolute privilege to lead Carroll College. I congratulate all students on a successful year. Each one of them progressing in ways that should make them proud. Our community is a better place for having the strong partnerships that exist between families and the college.
I extend my sincere thanks to our impressive staff who go above and beyond in the care of our students. Our learning environment is rich and dynamic and our team continues to raise expectations to create a better school for all.
Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Christmas. Best wishes from the entire Carroll team.
Mrs Jacqueline Heffernan
‘Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’ (John 8:12)
Assistant Principal - Pastoral
Year 10 Summer Soiree
Year 10 students had the opportunity to dress up on Thursday night for the 2024 Summer Soiree at Moruya Golf Club. As you can see from the photo they all looked wonderful. After the individual and group photos were taken in the Rose Garden we moved in for dinner and dancing. The evening was a great success. Thank you to Mrs Dell and Mr McAteer for leading the organisation and thank you to the staff who worked behind the scenes or attended to help supervise.
Message from our Counsellors
Carroll College is very fortunate to have our Counsellors onsite and available every day of the week. Not only do they provide care for our students they are also a valuable source of information and guidance for our families.
Social media use
It can be difficult to understand why your teenager uses social media so much. It might seem like they're always online, distracted from the life in front of them. Have a look at the ReachOut link to learn about the benefits and risks of social media, as well as ways to tell if something is wrong.
Eurobodalla Youth Committee
Our representatives will be attending the final meeting for 2024 next week. Throughout the year our students have shown ongoing commitment to attending the monthly meetings and the activities the Council organize for the youth of the region. We will be continuing our participation in 2025 and will be inviting students to join early in the school year. Thank you to Erica Shalders, Elsie Hanns, Malachi Condon and Ruby Hodgetts and special thank you to Mrs Marg Croese for her support of this group.
Celebrating Success Assembly - Save the date!
Our final assembly for 2024 will be held on Tuesday 17 December in the Hall starting at 10.00 am. Families are welcome to attend so please mark this date in your diaries.
Mrs Louise Ibbett
Assistant Principal - Pastoral Care
Assistant Principal - Curriculum, Learning and Innovation
Dear Carroll Community,
At the upcoming Semester 2 Celebrating Success Ceremony in Week 10, the college will acknowledge the hard work and commitment of students at Carroll College. But as we know students are not the only people in a school. Students are all supported by wonderful staff who dedicate themselves to ensure they all have the best possible education we can offer. So, whilst we are about to acknowledge students, it is very important to also say thank you to those who have helped you succeed and reach your goals.
There are several different awards at the celebrating success ceremony. The academic awards will recognise students who received an A in a subject; students whose Semester 2 report contained more than half As; students who have shown the most improvement in a subject area; the highest performing student/s in a particular year group across BOTH Semesters 1 and 2 (ie. highest number of A grades received); and finally, the Dux Award which is awarded to students who have received straight As across BOTH Semester 1 and 2. Quite an achievement!
Endeavour Awards are presented to students who have received a report recognising their excellent, consistent effort across all subjects.
Citizenship Awards will also be presented to students who have dedicated themselves wholeheartedly to college life.
Please keep an eye out on Facebook for photos and updates on the upcoming ceremony.
This week’s feature article can assist families with some direction and strategies for balancing rest and readiness for next year. I wish all our families a safe and relaxing Christmas break.
Schoolwork During the Holidays: How to Balance Rest and Readiness
The holidays are the perfect opportunity to hit reset—relax, recharge, and enjoy yourself. But while rest is essential, it doesn’t mean you should completely ignore schoolwork. A bit of thoughtful planning can set you up for a smooth and successful return to school next year.
Here are some ideas to consider for the holidays.
- Organise your space:
Transform your study area into a productive environment. Declutter, rearrange and make it a place where you feel comfortable and focused. - Sort and simplify your materials:
Go through your school supplies, digital files, and notes. Keep what’s essential, organise everything logically, and set up systems to make studying easier next year. - Plan ahead:
- Create term planners for the upcoming year to mark key dates when school starts.
- Plan a weekly study timetable for next year to build good habits and stay on top of your workload.
- If you can, find out any of the novels you will studying in the coming year, and read them over the holidays.
- Focus on weak spots:
Identify tricky areas from last term, such as math concepts, grammar, foreign languages, or literacy skills, and dedicate some time to improving them. A little effort now can make a big difference later.
- Learn something new:
Challenge your brain by picking up a new skill or activity. Whether it’s Sudoku, learning touch typing, starting a new sport, or trying out a new hobby, the holidays are a perfect time to push your boundaries and build new neural pathways. - Explore study resources:
Check out the Study Skills Handbook for tips on boosting your study habits, memory, or even your understanding of how your brain works. Start with the Your Brain and Memory unit for inspiration. Choose units to work on that will build your skills in areas of weakness.
It is important for senior students to stay focused on what’s ahead.
- Download and review syllabuses:
Familiarise yourself with course materials for the upcoming year so you can hit the ground running. - Tackle early assignments:
If you have assignments due early in the term, plan to complete them during the holidays. Starting strong gives you breathing room for other priorities. - Prepare for exams:
- Update your study notes and create summaries for major topics.
- If exams are early in the term, dedicate regular time to study sessions.
- For significant post-holiday exams, prioritise intensive preparation.
- Set a Schedule:
Block out specific times for schoolwork so you can enjoy guilt-free downtime. - Prioritise Rest:
Catch up on sleep, enjoy hobbies, and take breaks to recharge your mind. - Stay Active:
Physical activity, even a daily walk or stretch, can do wonders for your mental clarity. - Reconnect:
Spend quality time with family and friends to create meaningful memories.
Your holiday is a chance to rest and reset, but a little preparation can go a long way. Whether it’s catching up on weak areas, planning ahead, or tackling major projects, balancing productivity with relaxation will help you return to school feeling refreshed and ready to succeed.
Mr Andrew Kenneally
Assistant Principal - Curriculum, Learning and Innovation

As the Saint Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal concludes on Wednesday of Week 10, we are delighted by the generosity of our school community. A wealth of gifts have been collected for our local Saint Vincent de Paul Conferences, yet there is always room for more. Last-minute donations of gifts, non-perishable food items, or even prayers are most welcome and deeply appreciated.
Thank you to all the families who have already contributed. Your kindness ensures that people in our local community feel valued and supported during this special time of year.
The contributions from Carroll College will be presented to representatives of the Batemans Bay and Moruya Conferences at our Giving Mass on Friday, 13 December, at 10:15 am. Parents and community members are warmly invited to join us for this final Mass of the school year, a celebration of generosity and faith.
Special recognition goes to our Student Leadership Team (SLT) for their creative and tireless fundraising efforts. Through Bake Sales, Spiders, Zooper Doopers, lolly bags, and candy canes, they have not only spread Christmas cheer but have also ensured that families across the Eurobodalla can enjoy a festive and joyous holiday season.
Wishing all our students, parents, and staff a safe, happy, and holy Christmas. May this season be filled with peace and blessings for you and your loved ones.
Student Absences
As we approach the end of the term, I would like to remind parents about completing your child's absence details. Years 7 – 10 reports will be distributed at the end of Term 4 and explained absences ensure your child’s attendance records are accurate and reported correctly.
To complete your child's absence reports:
- Log in to your Sentral Parent Portal.
- Navigate to the Absences section.
- Review your unexplained absences and provide a brief explanation for each.
Parents can review their child’s attendance records by selecting their child's profile and navigating to Attendance.
School Photos 2025 – Save the Date
School photos will be held on Tuesday 11 March. Photo envelopes will be distributed to each student during Homeroom early next year.
2025 Calendar
I am pleased to inform you that the 2025 College Calendar is now available on Sentral. To view important dates, events and exam weeks for the upcoming year, please follow these steps:
- Log into the Sentral app.
- Click on Links.
- Select College Calendar.
- At the top right, scroll to Term 1 2025 and beyond to see relevant the term event dates.
2025 Term Dates
Term 1
Tuesday 4 February (Day 2) – Years 7, 11 and 12 return
Wednesday 5 February (Day 3) – Years 8, 9, 10 return
Friday 11 April – Term 1 ends
Term 2
Tuesday 29 April (Day 2) – students return
Thursday 3 July – Term 2 ends
Term 3
Tuesday 22 July (Day 2) – students return
Thursday 25 September – Term 3 ends
Term 4
Tuesday 14 October (Day 2) – students return
Thursday 18 December – Term 4 ends
Term 1 Important Dates
Friday 14 February – College Swimming Carnival at Moruya
Monday 17 February – Year 12 UOW Discovery Day
Wednesday 19 to Friday 21 February – Year 12 Retreat
Wednesday 19 February – Year 11 VET induction day
Friday 21 February – Year 10 Jamberoo excursion
Monday 24 February – Year 7 Welcome and Information Evening
Monday 24 February – Year 11 Information Evening
Wednesday 26 February – Patron’s Day celebration
Friday 28 February - Pupil Free Day
Wednesday 5 March – Ash Wednesday
Wednesday 5 to Friday 7 March – Year 7 and 11 Peer Support camp
Friday 7 March – Year 8 Maths Mogo Zoo day
Wednesday 12 March – Year 7 and 9 NAPLAN begins until 24 March
Tuesday 18 March – Parent teacher evening
Tuesday 25 March – Parent teacher evening
Tuesday 1 April – Combined Schools Mass
Tuesday 4 April – Year 7 Pastoral Day
Thursday 10 April – Easter service
This week's reminders
- Week 9 - Year 10 Work Experience
- On Wednesday 11 December, students are reminded to wear Christmas mufti and bring a gold coin donation for the Vinnies Christmas Appeal. There will be a bake sale and Santa photos at AM break.
- Year 11 Modern History students are travelling to Sydney on Thursday 12 December to visit the Jewish Museum.
- We will be celebrating our Giving Mass on Friday 13 December in the College Hall.
- Year 10 will participate in Peer Support training on Monday 16 December.
- On Monday 16 December the Year 11 Ancient History students will visit the Pompeii Exhibition in Canberra.
- The College Awards Assembly will be held on Tuesday 17 December.
- The last day of school for Term 4 is Wednesday 18 December.
Mrs Sandra Harris
Administration Coordinator
As 2024 draws to a close, Chisholm House stands proud as a House defined by resilience, camaraderie, and excellence. Named after the trailblazing Caroline Chisholm, our house continues to honor her legacy of service and leadership through the achievements and spirit of our students.
Chisholm Coordinator
MacKillop News 2024!
We must teach more by example than by word.
Well done to all Year 7 MacKillop students for completing a successful first year at Carroll College. We also welcomed many new students across all year groups, some local and some new to the area.
Congratulations to the many students who have engaged in the numerous opportunities offered here at the college.
Be it as representatives on the SRC, volunteering, competitors on the sporting field, performers on the stage, or academic success in and out of the classroom, I encourage these students to continue to get involved in 2025.
As we end the school year, I encourage all MacKillop students to reflect on the year that was. What went well? Where can I improve? Where can I be more involved? How can I continue to challenge myself?
Real learning is what we learn about ourselves - always wanting to improve, being better, aiming high!
I must recognise the efforts and dedication of the following students - MacKillop Marvels - for their outstanding attendance and/or achieving a high number of Sentral Awards (at the time written) for 2024.
Cici Steinke - 100% attendance and 52 Sentral Awards
Noah Angwin - attendance and 50 Sentral Awards
Axel Smith - attendance and 92 Sentral Awards
Leana Browne - attendance and 57 Sentral Awards
Jasmine Casagrande - 78 Sentral Awards
Alexander Cribb - 89 Sentral Awards
Ruby Hodgetts - 67 Sentral Awards
Khai Thomas - 69 Sentral Awards
Morgan Browne - attendance and 71 Sentral Awards
Isabella Caminiti - 79 Sentral Awards
Jada Smart - 78 Sentral Awards
Nicholas Wain - attendance and 50 Sentral Awards
Zac Whipp - 81 Sentral Awards
Archie Cockram - attendance
Lukas Coulter - attendance
Michaela Fitzpatrick - 65 Sentral Awards
Adam Klekner - attendance and 51 Sentral Awards
Alice McDougall - Sentral Awards
Ridham Pathak - 106 Sentral Awards
Eve Scullard - attendance and 71 Sentral Awards
Max Colbourne - attendance
Darcy Fitzpatrick - attendance and 53 Sentral Awards
Erica Shalders - attendance and 104 Sentral Awards
Ede Uil - 64 Sentral Awards
Summer White - 99 Sentral Awards
Amy Collins - attendance and 84 Sentral Awards
Indi Follett - 76 Sentral Awards
Rubi Kelly - 66 Sentral Awards
Harper Lasscock - 78 Sentral Awards
Brodie Martin - attendance and 68 Sentral Awards
Owen McDonald - attendance and 89 Sentral Awards
Lillian McLeod - attendance
Ryder Freyer - 71 Sentral Awards
Mikaylah Millikin - 59 Sentral Awards
Angel Reddy -67 Sentral Awards
Lincon Smith - 70 Sentral Awards
Kiana Woolridge - 63 Sentral Awards
I must acknowledge the ongoing compassion and generosity of all MacKillop students. This year they have continued to support many events, charities and organisations. In particular the MacKillop Day, with a combined amount of over $1000 raised.
The MacKillop team, Mr Matthew King, Mr Joel Coates, Mrs Debbie Enfield, Mr Jason Szkwarek, Ms Linda Dwyer, Ms Sonia Pope and Mr Ryan Bissell wish all MacKillop students and their families a holy, happy and safe Christmas. We look forward to working with you all in 2025.
Mr Greg McAteer
MacKillop Pastoral Coordinator
Xavier news 2024!
2024 is nearly over and Xavier has had an amazing year. We have welcomed many new families into Xavier that have come from near and far. Well done to all Year 7 students who have officially completed their first year of high school! They should be commended for their successful transition and postive attitude that they have embraced at Carroll College.
Xavier House has embraced all aspects of College life this year, from sporting activities, to volunteering and social outings. Xavier students have made us proud with their accomplishments and I encourage all students to follow their passions and embrace them here at the College, even setting up a new social club could be a goal for 2025.
As 2024 draws to a close, I wish to congratulate every single student in Xavier House for their hard work and determination. For 2025, students may like to think about their goals and how they will work towards them. Some may want to improve their grades next year; others may wish to collect 1000 Sentral points.
I wish to recognise some of the hard work and dedication of the following students for their outstanding attendance in 2024 and highest Point Scorers. They include:
- Cooper Smith - 90% attendance
- Aisha McLean - 90% attendance
- Isabella Syne - 90% attendance
- Katie Tegel - 90% attendance
Highest Point Scores (data obtained 6/12/24):
- Lavina Priest – 440 Sentral Points
- Leo Halliday – 420 Sentral Points
- Memphis Retallick – 410 Sentral Points
- Charlie Jameson – 360Sentral points
- Anthony Nguyen – 330 Sentral points
- Sophie Barling – 320 Sentral points
- Elyssa Welsh – 300 Sentral points
- Claire Bellette – 270 Sentral points
- Maxwell Edwards – 260 Sentral Points
- Bonnie Dalgleish – 260 Sentral Points
- Dominic Bitson – 260 Sentral Points
- Nate Withers – 250 Sentral Points
- Arielle Brantingham – 250 Sentral points
- Amelia Edwards – 250 Sentral Points
- Charlotte Ekin – 250 Sentral Points
Thank you to the Xavier team - Mr Paul Graziani, Mr Stephen Knight, Mrs Emma Mullins, Ms Lizette Richards, Ms Nicole Montgomery, Mrs Catherine Davis and Mrs Erin Smith for all their hard work this year. I wish to thank Mrs Karen Lyttle for her excellent leadership as Xavier House Coordinator. From the Xavier team, we wish students a holy Christmas as well as a happy and safe New Year and we can not wait to see the students return in 2025.
Mrs Danielle Ciuffetelli
Acting Xavier Pastoral Coordinator
I would like to recognise and celebrate our dedicated English and Languages teachers for all that they do every day for students, their families and school communities. I am constantly encouraged by the commitment of our teachers to continuous improvement through high impact teaching practice that provides every student with great learning opportunities. It truly is a privilege to engage young minds in the study of literature and other meaningful texts.
Our teachers nurture and support students so that they grow in confidence and excel in their learning. The professionalism of teachers and their care for students is very evident in daily teaching, planning, assessing, reporting, and in so many other significant areas. Thank you to the following KLA members for instilling in our students a love of learning:
Mrs Anna Voysey-McManus | Mrs Corrinne Dell | Mrs Erin Smith | Mrs Hailee Nugent |
Mrs Michelle Katuke | Miss Montana Price | Ms Sonia Pope |
It is a great privilege to work with my colleagues in the vocation of Catholic education at Carroll College.
Stephen Knight
English and Languages Coordinator
HSIE Coordinator
Students in Year 7 Maths have been working in our Pathway Program. As explained at the beginning of the year, this program is all about personal growth. The Maths Department would like to celebrate the following students who have achieved an average growth of more than 150%. This means they have moved their understanding more than a year and a half from where they started at the beginning of the year
Lilly Millikin, Indi Turnbull, Torah Blewitt, Oliver Mahar, Oliver Strachan, Isla Blaas, Lucas Borg, Alex Cribb, Levi Falla-Abbott, Emily Franklin, Noah McCarthy, Ridham Pathak, Indi- Rose Simpson, Axel Smith, and Summer White.
The Maths Department would like to congratulate the following students in Year 8 who have been working in the Pathways program and have achieved a high level of success. Bella’ Rose Ivanoff, Blake Day, Heidi Van Weerdenburg, Jaylee Draper, Kyle Senger, and Charlie Jamison.
Mrs Karen Ashby
Maths Coordinator
This week at the College Assembly, we recognised our students who entered the Science Olympiads. These programs allow students to test their abilities against the national cohort. Erica Shalders was awarded a credit certificate in the Junior Olympiad Exam and Stephanie Bow and Isabella Syne were awarded participation certificates for Chemistry and Biology in the Australian Science Olympiad. These students are to be congratulated on their dedication and hard work which exemplifies their spirit of inquiry and excellence.
As the year draws to a close, our Year 11 biologists, chemists, and physicists are diligently progressing through their first HSC modules while undertaking their Task 1 assessments. In Years 7 to 10, students continue to enhance their 'working scientifically' skills through various practical activities and investigations. These skills are integrated into all topic units, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of scientific principles across the curriculum. This hands-on approach engages students in activities that foster critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Science Coordinators
As we approach the end of the academic year, it's time to reflect on the remarkable achievements and experiences within the Technology and Applied Studies (TAS) courses at our school. This year has been filled with exciting developments, innovative projects, and a strong sense of community among students and staff.
Year in Review
Agricultural Advancements
One of the standout highlights has been the introduction of our new agriculture area. This space will not only enhance our curriculum but also provide students with hands-on experiences in farming and animal care. The addition of goats has been particularly popular, allowing students to engage directly with livestock management and sustainable practices. The pigs will move to the new farm in the new year and the old farm will be demolished.
New Workshop Facilities
We are excitedly anticipating the construction of our new workshops which are set to begin shortly. This facility will greatly expand our capabilities in Woodworking, Construction and Design Technology, providing students with state-of-the-art resources to bring their creative ideas to life.
Celebrating Successes
Throughout the year, students have completed numerous woodworking and design technology projects that showcase their skills and creativity. From intricate furniture designs to innovative HSC Major Projects, the projects have been a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students and teachers who tirelessly support them. From Funds Boxes to Treats Dispensers, Serving Boards to Trinket Boxes, Grazing Tables to Hall Tables and Dartboard Cabinets to a custom Entertainment Console. Each project has been carefully crafted and many skills have been learnt along the way.
In Design and Technology, the projects ranged from Cardboard Furniture to Lamps and Sterling Silver Rings, finishing off the year with Computer Aided Drawing and 3D Printing. Some exceptional projects were completed by the HSC students, for which they are to be commended. Some new and exciting projects will be launched next year in Design and Technology so keep your eyes peeled for more innovative and creative projects to be shared with you in 2025.
Additionally, our Food Technology classes have been a resounding success, with students enjoying the process of creating delicious meals while learning essential culinary skills. Year 7 enjoyed the unit Delicious Dairy focussing on the dairy industry in Australia and dairy in our daily diet and meals. The hamburger challenge was a hit this term for Year 8 as they explored the Fantastic Food unit and Years 9 and 10 focused on Food for Special Needs, investigating the different dietary requirements within society. Gluten-Free, Vegan, Low Sugar and High Protein were the focus of some dishes.
A heartfelt thank you goes out to our dedicated staff who have worked tirelessly to support and inspire our students throughout this year. Your commitment to fostering a positive learning environment has made a significant impact.
I also extend my gratitude to all the students for their enthusiasm and participation in the TAS programs. Your creativity, teamwork, and willingness to learn has made this year truly exceptional.
As we look forward to another exciting year ahead, let's continue to embrace innovation and collaboration in all that we do within Technology and Applied Studies!

Mrs Emma Mullins
TAS Coordinator
CAPA Coordinator

Well Done Year 12 Visual Arts 2024
Students have worked hard to complete their body of work over the year. They each made a series of artworks in various expressive forms such as video, oil or acrylic painting, ceramics, drawing, textiles, and sculpture. All students completed their artworks to a high standard.
At the end of Year 12, our Year 12 Visual Arts students are asked to contribute to a mural on the walls of the art room to help create a vibrant and creative space. Students this year painted their favourite album covers as a tribute to their time at CCB and involvement in Visual Arts.
We wish them all the best for the future.
Mrs Miriam Shilling
Visual Arts Teacher
Vocational Education and Training (VET) News
VET Work Placement
As we reflect on another successful year of our Vocational Education and Training (VET) in School program at Carroll College, we would like to extend our gratitude to the local businesses that have generously provided work placement opportunities for our students.
Your support and commitment to the next workforce has been instrumental in the growth and development of our students. The practical and industry-based skills the students have gained through these placements have been invaluable, preparing them for a seamless transition into the workforce. We appreciate the time, resources, and expertise you have shared with our students.
2024 Graduating VET Students
Congratulations to all the Year 12 VET students on successfully completing their certificate courses. Overall, the Year 12 cohort had 35 enrolments across 5 courses in Construction, Hospitality, Business Services, Active Volunteering and Sports Coaching. The hard work and dedication of the students has equipped them with valuable skills and knowledge, setting them up for future success. We are proud of their achievements and wish them all the best as they embark on the next chapter of their journey.
2025 TVET
Year 11 and 12 2025 TVET Courses running at Moruya Campus for 2025.
Get a head start on your career and complete a TAFE-delivered Vocational Education and Training (TVET) course while you’re still at school. All TVET courses help you build practical skills and industry-specific knowledge, and count towards your school outcomes.
· Certificate II (SoA) in Animal Care (2 unit x 1 year)
· Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation (2 units x 2 years)
· Certificate III (SoA) in Early Childhood Education and Care (2 units x 2 years)
· Certificate III (SoA) in Beauty Services: Make-Up (2 unit x 1 year)
· Certificate II in Salon Assistant (3 units x 1 year)
If you are interested in any of the courses for next year, please see me in the Careers Office.
Merry Christmas!
Mrs Amy Dalgleish
VET Coordinator
The University of Wollongong's Discovery Day - 2025 Year 12
Monday 17 February 2025
2025 Year 12 students have the opportunity to experience first hand what a day at university is like. Student's will build their own timetable to participate in a range of activities on the UOW's Wollongong campus. The activities run across various faculties and are designed to provide students with an authentic experience of studying at university.
Students MUST register with UOW to attend
Wishing Year 10 the Best of Luck!
As Year 10 embarks on their work experience journey in Week 9, we want to extend our thoughts for a rewarding and enriching time. This is a fantastic opportunity to explore future career paths, gain valuable insights, and develop important skills. We are excited to hear about your experiences and the lessons you will learn along the way!
Students are encouraged to check the CCB Careers Google Classroom Pages for employment and training opportunities that come through the college.
Please contact the Careers Office at the College for more information or book at time with this QR Code:
Mrs Amy Dalgleish
Career and VET Coordinator

Wellbeing Coordinator